Serviio console keyboard short cuts
Serviio console keyboard short cuts

serviio console keyboard short cuts

For more detailed Information on the globalShortcut.registerAll() method. The callback function will be called when any of the registered shortcuts in the accelerators Array is pressed by the user.

serviio console keyboard short cuts

This method does not return any value since we cannot check if each accelerator item in the String was registered successfully or not.

  • globalShortcut.registerAll(accelerators, callback) This method behaves in the exact same way as the globalShortcut.register() method except that it takes in an String of accelerators instead of a single String.
  • callback: Function This function is called when the registered shortcut is pressed by the user.
  • accelerator: String The Accelerator String as defined above.
  • For more detailed Information on the globalShortcut.register() method. This method returns a Boolean stating whether or not the global Shortcut was registered successfully.
  • globalShortcut.register(accelerator, callback) This method registers a Global Shortcut as defined by the accelerator for the application.
  • Index.html: Add the following snippet in that file.


    Step 2: Add the following code snippets in the index.html and index.js file for Implementing Global Shortcuts in Electron.Upon launching the application, we should see the following Output: Output: At this point, our basic Electron Application is set up."description": "Register Global Shortcuts in Electron", The basic steps required to setup the Electron application remain the same. We will continue building our application using the same code base.

    serviio console keyboard short cuts

    Also perform the necessary changes mentioned for the package.json file to launch the Electron Application. Copy the Boilerplate code for the main.js file and the index.html file as provided in the article.


    Step 1: Follow the Steps given in How to Find Text on Page in ElectronJS to setup the basic Electron Application.It does not have any Instance events or properties associated with it.Įxample: Follow the given Steps to implement Global Shortcuts in Electron. The globalShortcut Module only supports Instance methods. This module should only be used after the ready event of the app module is emitted as shown in the main.js file. The globalShortcut module registers/unregisters a Global Keyboard shortcut with the native System OS and we can customize these shortcuts to perform various operations throughout the application. To import and use the globalShortcut Module in the Renderer Process, we will be using Electron remote module. Global Shortcuts in Electron: The globalShortcut module is used to detect Keyboard Events when the application does not have Keyboard Focus since the registered event is Global. For Electron to work, node and npm need to be pre-installed in the system. We assume that you are familiar with the prerequisites as covered in the above-mentioned link. This tutorial will demonstrate how to register Global Keyboard shortcuts throughout the application in Electron. Electron provides us with a way by which we can define global shortcuts throughout the application using the Instance methods of the built-in globalShortcut module.


    They are useful when managing numerous tasks on the PC at once. Keyboard shortcuts let you achieve more with less effort. Users who are habituated to using Keyboard shortcuts are more productive and multitask more efficiently than users who don’t. Using Keyboard shortcuts is an efficient and time-saving activity. It combines the Chromium engine and NodeJS into a Single Runtime.

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  • Serviio console keyboard short cuts